A to Z Driving School Services
A to Z Driving School has deployed new state-of-the-art software to help you access and manage your drivers ed program any time on any device.
New software will allow you to safely schedule in car lessons, securely pay with credit card balances, purchase additional services and manage your driving lessons. 24/7/365, any device any time.
New system will also help us keep our instructors and students socialy distant. Student will be able to digitally sign their agreements, lessons and sign in sheet from their own phone. There will be no paper or pens passing between our staff and students.

Book your DPS Road Test with us Now!
A to Z Driving School has been authorized by the Department of Public Safety as a third-party skills testing (TPST) driving school. We can administer the official DPS ROAD TEST – DRIVING TEST to anyone who has met the state requirements and is ready to get their Texas driver's license! You may take the driving test with us even if you failed with DPS.